Davison NIYONZIZA - Sponsor Now


Biggest Need

Age 9

Name Davison NIYONZIZA

Gender Male

About this Child Davison is in a family of 6 children, a family that is facing extreme poverty. His father is a drug addict who abandoned his family when Davison was just 3 months old. His mother struggles to take care of Davison and his siblings. They have no home - only temporary shelter. Davison is at the age when he needs to start school so that his future is bright but unfortunately the mother cannot afford school fees. They pray to God every day for a miracle. You can be the miracle Davison has been waiting for. You can help Davison and many other children in his situation in Rwanda, be part of their transformation by sponsoring a child through "River's Promise". Partner with us in educating and raising the next generation of future leaders.

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